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Climb the Success

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  1. What important life advice would you like to give to the people in their 20s?
  2. Stop hating yourself. Puberty hit harder sometimes but hating yourself is a regret.Start loving yourself.
  3. Stop watching porn probably from today.
  4. Stop mastrubating it will suck your energy. Talk to girls and vice-versa.
  5. Stop playing pubg. Play badminton instead.
  6. Stop giving fuck to tik-tok shits. Read quora instead.
  7. Stop praising fucking things. Take interest in real life.
  8. Stop speeding bikes. Follow traffic rules.
  9. Wear helmet.
  10. Smoking won’t make you cool.
  11. Stop chasing girl, once she said no.
  12. You are still a baby to your parents.
  13. Your board exam score won’t define your life. But 3-tier college life will define your college education.
  14. Stop asking for nudes. If you love her. Make love.
  15. “My life my rules” will change by time better to create “my life my choices”.
  16. Wasting your money on girls will return you nothing. Except regret.
  17. Sending nudes to boys is a shit you are doing behind the scene.
  18. Comparing yourself with your friend will only give you stress.
  19. Making gf/bf is not compulsory.
  20. Start enjoying your own company.
  21. Read this

It will change your thought process. it is a 21st century book. Focused on modern day of living.

Keep smiling

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