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“The Universe rewards action, not thought.”
Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Jeff Besos.
All these guys were proactive. They saw opportunities and grabbed them with both hands.
In the end, it all comes down to this.
Nothing will happen unless YOU decide to take action! Massive action.
Only when you act will your life change and improve.
You have planned for your dreams long enough, make a decision NOW to start working on reaching your goals. From now on live by this rule:
Action is the foundational key to all success.”– Pablo Picasso
Taking action is a HABIT, you need to incorporate. Make it a habit to JUST DO instead of just thinking about doing it.
Mistakes are unavoidable because whatever you want to accomplish, you don’t yet have, and it’s the first time you do it. There's no amount of information that will take away the risk completely.
So take action on the information you have, then figure it out.
Therefore, do the following, read this answer, look into your life, take action on at least one thing. Be amazed.
I truly believe that gratefulness is a great gift that we should not take for granted.
A couple of years ago, I served in the Norwegian Armed Forces. I was based up north in Norway in a reconnaissance division serving as an LMG shooter in a patrol. My service was basically walking in snow, with a heavy backpack, sledge and gun. I spent a lot of time feeling cold, dissatisfied, exhausted, etc.
But in hindsight, I am so grateful for this experience. Every time I today feel some dissatisfaction, I put my focus on those experiences. I relive the feeling of being cold and tired and develop gratitude for the circumstances I am in know. My mind starts to focus on the things that I am grateful for.
  • I am warm.
  • I can sleep in a soft bed.
  • I am full.
  • Life is beautiful.
Apply this. Remember a time life sucked. Remember that things can always be worse. The next time you experience dissatisfaction and want to complain. Remember that.
We have a lot to be grateful for.
In everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5, 18)
We live in a society filled with distractions. Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, etc, all these elements fight for your focus during the day.
To be successful, you need to start efficiently handling your time, that’s why you need to learn time-management. The art of channeling your focus.
The fewer things we try to do in the moment, the more productive we become. When we channel our focus, we become more deliberate about what we are working on.
To stay focused on one thing at the time is no easy task. No, it’s very hard, but it’s the key to efficiency.
The Pomodoro Technique is a great asset when it comes to mono-tasking. The primary goal of this technique is to focus on ONE task and ONE task only. Nothing should take your focus.
During a Pomodoro, your mind should be focused on one task, the task at hand. Multitasking is forbidden. This enables you to give the task you are working on, extra focus.
Try performing one single Pomodoro and learn the power of focus. Turn on a timer for 25 minutes. Remove all distractions. Turn your mobile phone on "Do not disturb", activate your website blocker, turn on your AI generated consentration empowering music and enjoy real productivity.
There is a reason everybody knows what a todo list is. The standard todo list is stupidly simple and incredibly effective.
Follow these steps to set effective to-do lists.
  1. At the end of each day. Write down the things you want to accomplish tomorrow.
  2. Order your tasks by importance.
  3. The next day, concentrate only on the first task. Don’t move on to the second before you are finished with the first one.
  4. When the day is over, move unfinished items to tomorrows list. Plan the upcoming day.
  5. Eat, sleep, repeat.
TIP: On Sundays create a note for each day in the upcoming week. Whenever you get a task that can be performed better later in the week, write it down on e.g. TODO Friday.
“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything.” — Warren Buffet.
The fastest way to get something done, is in many situations, to eliminate the task completely. There is no faster way to do something than to not do it!
One of the primary goals with the Eisenhower Matrix is to start spending more time on the things that are important, and less time on the things that are not important. I know. This sounds simple, but it’s not.
But the fact of the matter is this:
You need to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage to say no to other things — (Stephen Covey).
Start to force yourself to make the hard decisions and say no to anything that doesn’t lead you toward your mission, values, and goals.

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